Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Many kidney stones do not cause any symptoms at all and patients may be completely unaware that they have a stone. Even very large kidney stones may cause no symptoms.
It is important to understand that pain from kidney stones is usually the result of blockage in the ureter (tube between each kidney and the bladder). Stones are formed in the kidney and cause no pain until they move into the ureter where they cause a blockage to the passage of urine. As the kidney continue to produce urine, they end up swelling under pressure (hydronephrosis) if there is a blockage and it is this swelling which causes the pain.
When pain occurs from a stone causing a blockage in the ureter it is called renal colic. This is usually severe pain lasting minutes to hours felt in the loin area. The pain is only felt on the side of the blockage and can radiate (spread) to the side and front of the abdomen and also to the groin, testicle or labia. Renal colic may be very severe pain which many have described as worse than labour pains.
Kidney stones may cause other symptoms apart from pain. Here is a list of possible symptoms:
- No symptoms.
- Pain.
- Blood in the urine – may be visible or microscopic only.
- Urinary Tract Infections.
- Nausea or vomiting.
- Urinary symptoms – passing urine frequently, urgently with burning.
Complications of Kidney Stones
Apart from causing symptoms such as pain, vomiting and blood in the urine, kidney stones can cause serious medical complications. These include:
- Severe infections including septicaemia (blood poisoning) which can be life-threatening.
- Renal scarring and damage to the kidneys, resulting in permanent renal failure.
- Loss of function of a kidney resulting in the need for removal of the kidney (nephrectomy).
- Bladder blockage can result when a large kidney stone has managed to pass into the bladder but gets stuck in the urethra resulting in painful urinary retention.

Who treats kidney stones?
Urologists (also known as Urological Surgeons) are specialist medical practitioners who treat kidney stones.
Urologists are trained to diagnose, monitor and treat stones in a variety of conservative and surgical methods.
Urologists are surgeons who treat men, women and children with problems involving the kidney, bladder, prostate and male reproductive organs. These conditions include cancer, stones, infection, incontinence, sexual dysfunction and pelvic floor problems.
Many Urologists treat kidney stones but some Urologists, such as Mr Uri Hanegbi have a special interest in kidney stone disease and treat a high volume of stone patients.
Kidney stones are often treated initially by General Practitioners (GPs) who can diagnose stone disease and provide analgesia.

Emergency Department doctors are often involved in the treatment of patients who present with renal colic. Patients with severe pain frequently present to an Emergency Department for pain relief.
Alternative health practitioners such as Naturopaths, Osteopaths and Herbal therapy dispensers often claim to treat kidney stone disease. These therapies are of no benefit at all.